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The SLAC Hypernews system is replaced by CERN egroups.
An archive of the old Hypernews postings is available at:

Hypernews was shutdown on February 22nd 2021!
Please make sure you can access the CERN egroups and subscribe to the Babar groups there for further posting.

Please use the CERN egroups and search for "BaBar" to get an overview of all lists in the new system. To be able to read any message in any of those lists, you need to subscribe to it.
Please, subscribe to the "BaBar-members" egroup first.
Only members who are subscribed to the "BaBar-members" group are able to subscribe to other BaBar groups.

Once your subscription is approved, you will be able to subscribe to any other BaBar egroup without the need of waiting for approval; however it may still take up to 24h until all new permissions are updated in the CERN system and a new subscription becomes active. Once your subscribtion to an egroup with an archive is active, you will be able to read old messages in a web browser and get new messages delivered by email. You can then also post new messages using the web interface or via email. Similar like the old Hypernews, the CERN egroups provide an email address for each group visible in the web interface.

To be able to use the CERN egroups, you need to have a CERN account. This can be a regular CERN account if you are member of a CERN experiment, or you can apply for a lightweight CERN account which allows you to use different CERN services like the CERN egroups and INDICO.

To register for such a lightweight CERN account, please fill out this form and register. Once your account is created, you will be able to use the CERN egroups system.