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We encourage those interested in the scientific exploitation of the rich BaBar dataset to engage with the Collaboration through the ‘BaBar Associates’ open-access program.
This will provide access to the BaBar data and requisite software, detailed internal information on how to analyse the data, and access to the expertise of the Members of the BaBar Collaboration.
A number of analyses by BaBar Associates have already been published through this program. This is often the first step towards individuals becoming a full Member of the BaBar Collaboration.
We also encourage those interested in using the BaBar dataset for outreach and education to do so through this ‘BaBar Associates’ open-access program.

The procedure to become a BaBar Associate and to begin accessing BaBar data is as follows:
  1. Contact the BaBar management team to become a BaBar Associate. If you are a student, your PI should do so. Please provide at least:
    • contact name and email
    • institute you are associated with, if any
    • plans for using the BaBar data
    • expected duration of your association with BaBar
    • exact form of your name to be used on potential journal publications

  2. Once approved, you will get added to the BaBar mailing list and a Wiki account will be created. This will give access to all internal information including how to analyse the data.

  3. Once access to the Wiki is granted, a welcome email with instructions on how to access all relevant information will be emailed to you.

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Page Maintainer: BaBar  
Last updated: Tuesday, 15-Feb-2022 10:28:50 PST